Media Addicts Anonymous
12 Step Recovery From
The Compulsive Use of All Media
Recovery Meetings for Media Addicts
Media Addicts Anonymous has several types of worldwide meetings for members:
We have open sharing meetings where anyone can attend and share.
We have open speaker meetings where we listen to a recovering member qualify and participants can share.
We have face-to-face meetings where members gather in person to recover.
We have Big Book Step Study Meetings where anyone can attend and share
We have open "There is a Solution" recorded meetings where members having more than three months of back-to-back media abstinence share their full stories and we have questions and answers afterward.
We have Open Back-to-Basics Step Study meetings using the Back-to-Basics beginners meeting formats.
We also have closed committed Back-to-Basics Step Study meetings run by Group Sponsors.
We have closed AWOL meetings that sober members of MAA run.
These last two groups are designed to help people step into their recovery by committing to fast or staying media sober with a group for as long as the commitment lasts. Sometimes its easier to fast from media when you have group support.
As a growing program, we encourage members to get involved with service. Please find links to our meetings by clicking the boxes below.