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Service in Closed Back-to-Basics

There are several ways you can serve in Back-to-Basics Step Studies:

  1. Many who have participated in our closed Back-to-Basics step studies take on further service as a Back-to-Basics Group Sponsor after completing the Twelve Steps and graduating from three consecutive months in closed Back to Basics. We have found that serving as a Group Sponsor is invaluable to maintaining one’s own media sobriety, while also helping other members who are new to recovery from media addiction.

  2. Another service opportunity is becoming a Group Mentor. Every B2B step study needs a mentor to help support the Group Sponsors as a team.

  3. We also have important service opportunities serving on the Back-to-Basics Steering Committee (B2BSC).


B2B Steering Committee / Group Mentors - Who are we?


We are ordinary recovering media addicts who have completed the 12 Steps through active participation in 3 months of a closed Back-to-Basics Step Study. Then, to continue our sobriety, we volunteered to serve by sponsoring newcomers and acting as Group Sponsors for a closed Back-to-Basics Step Study for at least 3 months. Some of us chose to become a Group Mentor. This doesn’t mean that we “arrived”— it means that we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are media addicts and that we are just one click away from our addictive media if we don’t continue to work the 12 Steps and to carry the message of recovery to those who still suffer. We know, as leaders, that we need to be even more diligent and seek more support than the people we serve, and we are committed to doing that.

What is our Vision?

We are dedicated to ensuring that closed Back-to-Basics continues for anyone interested in getting and staying media sober and that the standards for this initiative are kept in alignment with our initial vision. 

What do we do?

Many things. We make sure that a full description of the program along with a user-friendly application form is available on the website for anyone interested in joining.  We process application forms and funnel new members into B2B groups. We make sure that closed Back-to-Basics groups have the necessary Group Sponsors for each session with Mentors to support and encourage them. We maintain a well-developed manual that is updated when needed. We lead regular Group Sponsor orientation workshops to train new Group Sponsors. We keep Zoom accounts managed so groups can meet regularly. We ensure that the scripts describe how to work the 12 Steps for both open and closed Back-to-Basics meetings are well written and edited. We continue to improve the formats and homework assignments and make them accessible on the website. We help run the Saturday 2:00 pm ET meeting, coordinate it and record it, and put it on the MAA website..

How can you help?

As the saying goes, “It takes a village,” so if you are interested in supporting these efforts, we would be pleased to have you join our team. Anyone who meets the minimum requirements may apply.


Here are the qualifications for being on the B2B Steering Committee:


  • Have participated in a closed Back-to-Basics Step Study for 3 months

  • Have been a Group Sponsor of a closed Back-to-Basics Step Study for 3 months

  • Media sober and willing to resign if you lose your sobriety

  • Currently working the steps with an MAA Sponsor 

  • An active member of an MAA group

  • Available to attend a monthly meeting on Friday morning (based on ET)

  • Can commit to serving on the Back-to-Basics Steering Committee for two years

  • Will volunteer to accept a service position on the Back-to-Basics Steering Committee 

  • Will enjoy working with others and being a member of a team

If interested in serving on the B2B Steering Committee, complete and submit this application: B2B Steering Committee Application 

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