Media Addicts Anonymous
12 Step Recovery From
The Compulsive Use of All Media
Welcome to our 2Way Prayer Challenge and 365-Day Reader Submission Page
Get ready for an inspiring start to 2025 with the MAA 21-Day Two-Way Prayer Challenge and the launch of MAA's first published book!
Challenge Overview
Start Date: January 1, 2025
Goal: Deepen your spiritual practice and contribute to our inaugural book, "365 Day Reader," by sharing your 2Way Prayer meditation writings.
What to Expect
The 21-Day Challenge is designed to help you connect with your inner voice and Higher Power through daily writing sessions. Each day, you will engage in a process that allows you to quiet your mind and let your thoughts flow without judgment.
Participation Guidelines
Choose a Consistent Time: Set aside a specific time each day for your writing, ideally in a quiet space free from interruptions.
Begin with Meditation: Start with a brief meditation to center yourself before writing.
Write Freely: Allow your thoughts to pour onto the page without self-censorship. You might find it helpful to imagine God speaking to you, starting with a term of endearment like "My dear child."
Pair Up: Find another member who would like to join the challenge with you. You can share daily insights and support each other throughout the process.
Resources for Beginners
For those new to this practice, we offer resources such as recordings and guided meditations to help you get started. Additionally, our Sunday 1 PM ET Two Way Prayer meeting is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the process and ask questions from experienced members.
Submission Process
Once you've completed your writing, please submit it to our Literature Committee for editing using the provided submission form link at the bottom of this page.
Join us in this transformative challenge as we prepare for a year of growth and connection. Your contributions could inspire others on their path to recovery. Together, let's make our first MAA "365 Day Reader" a powerful testament to our collective experiences!
Sunday Two-Way Prayer Group is Sponsoring a Daily 45 minute 2Way Prayer and Meditation Meeting
January 1-21st at 1 PM ET.
Click HERE to Join The Daily 2Way Prayer Meeting
Suggestions for writing
2Way Prayer is a process by which one gets one’s mind out of the way and allows one’s inner voice or Higher Power to speak. The following are some suggestions that might help in this process.
Choose a specific time of day that works for you and write every day at the same time. This time and place should be free from interruptions.
You may want to have a 2WayPrayer partner or group and commit to writing together. Or, you may want to write alone and have a scheduled group sharing time.
Meditate or take some time to quiet your mind before writing. If possible, give yourself 15 minutes for this.
Decide beforehand if your writing will be handwritten or digital. (For this challenge all writings will need to be digital but you can always digitalize it after handwriting.)
Sit quiet. It is often helpful to have a starting phrase just to get your hand moving. for example, “Good morning, precious child of mine.” Remember that your Higher Power already knows what is in your mind so you do not need to direct HP’s focus. Then, just let the words come. Do not question or judge them just allow them to flow.
If you do this regularly you will begin to feel the Presence within you and trust the words that come.
Here is an example template to follow:
[Title] "To Compare is to Despair"
Today’s Reflection
Media addicts often hide behind screens to quiet the internal voice that whispers, "I am not good enough." In this comparison game, we frequently come up short. To cultivate the peace and harmony essential for sobriety, we must learn to accept ourselves and others just as we are.
I am a unique and precious expression of the Universal Stream of Consciousness. There is no need to be anyone other than who I am. Comparing myself to others leads only to despair, as it is based on a false belief. Each person contributes their own unique light and love to the world. By relaxing into my authentic self and allowing others to do the same, I will experience more energy and joy. We are all whole, complete, and perfect just as we are.
Great Spirit, the Source of all that is, I surrender my doubts and judgments about myself and others. Shift my perspective so that I may see us all as you see us. Thank you.
Key Insights
Comparison is the thief of joy
Authenticity trumps perfection
Self-acceptance is a spiritual practice