Media Addicts Anonymous
12 Step Recovery From
The Compulsive Use of All Media
What are some tips to stay focused during recovery?
Here are some key tips to stay focused during media addiction recovery:
Set clear, attainable goals and regularly review your progress. Break larger goals into smaller, manageable steps.
Create positive lifestyle changes, such as adopting healthy habits like regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep.
Build a strong support network of family, friends, counselors, and support groups. Stay connected with people who understand and support your recovery journey.
Manage urges and stress through techniques like mindfulness, meditation, journaling, or engaging in relaxing activities.
Find meaningful activities or hobbies that bring you joy and purpose.
Avoid high-risk situations, people, places, and things associated with past substance use.
Keep a structured schedule to prevent fruitless days and maintain personal boundaries.
Practice self-care and take time to love yourself. Focus on healing and personal growth.
Maintain honesty with yourself and others about your recovery process.
Take recovery one day at a time, focusing on the present rather than getting overwhelmed by long-term goals.
If you experience a setback, don't let it derail your entire recovery. Seek help immediately and get back on track.
Remember, recovery is a continuous journey that requires ongoing effort and dedication. Stay committed to your goals and don't hesitate to seek professional help when needed.
Medical Professionals Weigh in on Electronic Media Addiction
Media addiction or "internet disorders" have been researched now for many years. What medical professionals are finding is that media addiction is similar to alcoholism. Let's read what one modern professional has found in her research into compulsive media usage. The following is an excerpt from an article written by Christina Gregory, PhD on the signs and symptoms of internet disorders.
"Some evidence suggests that if you are suffering from [media addiction], your brain makeup is similar to those [who] suffer from a chemical dependency, such as drugs or alcohol. Interestingly, some studies link [media addiction] to physically changing the brain structure – specifically affecting the amount of gray and white matter in regions of the prefrontal brain. This area of the brain is associated with remembering details, attention, planning, and prioritizing tasks. …One of the causes of [media addiction] is structural changes to the prefrontal region of the brain… rendering you unable to prioritize your life, i.e., the Internet takes precedence to necessary life tasks."
"[Media addiction], in addition to other dependency disorders, seem[s] to affect the pleasure center of the brain. The addictive behavior triggers a release of dopamine to promote the pleasurable experience activating the release of this chemical. Over time, more and more of the activity is needed to induce the same pleasurable response, creating a dependency. [For instance] if you find online gaming or online shopping a pleasurable activity and you suffer from an addiction to the Internet, you will need to engage in more and more of the behavior to institute the same pleasurable feeling prior to your dependency."
What we learn from this article by Dr. Gregory is that a media addict's brain is similar to that of an alcoholic. We see that media changes the structure of the brain. That this structural change makes it so that we can't prioritize and manage our lives well. Like alcohol, there is also a physical component to media addiction: a release of dopamine that creates a pleasurable state in the media addict's body which then triggers a compulsion for more and more media to gain the same initial dopamine hit.
Worksheets for Media Sobriety
The Twelve Principles of MAA
Step 1—HONESTY about our addiction leads to ACCEPTANCE that our life is unmanageable
Step 2—FAITH in a Higher Power leads to BELIEF that we will be restored to sanity
Step 3—FAITHFULNESS in turning our will over to God brings GUIDANCE from this Source
Step 4—COURAGE to reflect on past behaviors leads to CLARITY to see the way out
Step 5—CONFESSION of our liabilities to another human being brings FREEDOM from guilt and shame
Step 6—WILLINGNESS to let God mold our character leads us to finally SURRENDER our resistance
Step 7—HUMILITY to ask for help from Sources Greater than Self leads to UNITY with all beings
Step 8—CONSIDERATION for those we have harmed leads to FORGIVENESS of self and others
Step 9 —INTEGRITY in making clear, clean amends brings PEACE of mind
Step 10—PERSEVERANCE in continuing to work the Steps brings TRANSFORMATION of character
Step 11—AWARENESS of God's guidance leads to KNOWLEDGE of right action and inner POWER to carry out those actions
Step 12—GENEROSITY in working with others leads to GRATITUDE for a beautiful life purpose
OUR HIDDEN PRINCIPLE: We absolutely insist on enjoying life!
CHEERFULNESS while working through daily challenges leads to LAUGHTER, and why shouldn’t we laugh? We have RECOVERED, and have been given the power to help others.
The Knots Prayer
Contributed by Jane M.
Dear God,
Please untie the knots in my mind,
my heart and my life.
Remove the have nots,
the can nots, and the do nots
that I have in my mind.
Erase the will nots,
may nots,
might nots that may find
a home in my heart.
Release me from the could nots,
would nots and
should nots that obstruct my life.
And most of all,
Dear God,
I ask that you remove from my mind,
my heart and my life all of the “am nots”
that I have allowed to hold me back,
especially the thought that
I am not good enough.